Online Hypnosis Therapy

Dr. Maggy Schellong – Holistic Hypnosis Coach

Dr. Maggy Schellong
Holistic Hypnosis Coach
Online Hypnosis

I am Dr. Maggy (Margarete) Schellong, certified hypnosis coach, business coach, yoga & meditation teacher and I hold a PhD in consumer and happiness research.

I also have many years of experience in the corporate world. As a strategy consultant at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), as COO & Managing Director at the Berlin based start-up Horizn Studios and the successful founding of my own start-up ŌHIA, a city retreat studio in Berlin for mental and physical well-being.

Hypnosis is very effective

The areas of application for hypnosis are broad. The causes of our problems - whether physical or psychological - are often hidden deep in the subconscious, e.g., in repressed and unprocessed traumas or dysfunctional and limiting beliefs. We can use hypnosis to find and resolve these effectively, usually in just a few sessions. 

This does not mean that hypnosis is a “miracle cure”. If you have acute physical complaints or acute depression, you should definitely consult a doctor. However, hypnotherapy can have a very good complementary effect in such cases. 

If you can't find your topic here, please contact me anyway and we'll see if I can help you.

Areas of application

Areas of application


Self-confidence and self-doubt 
Dysfunctional and limiting beliefs 
Procrastination, ‘Impostor’ syndrome

Quality of life

Inner emptiness and sadness
Stress and ‘overthinking’
Dealing with grief

Life purpose, goals & vision

Finding your purpose in life
Work-life balance, burnout, stress
Defining and manifesting goals & vision


Unfulfilled desire to have children
Dealing with miscarriages
Birth preparation

Anxiety and emotional blockages

Anxiety and worries
Letting go of old and past things,
forgiveness work
Panic attacks

Health & sleep

Sleep problems
Chronic pain 
Skin problems (e.g., acne)
Addictions (smoking, alcohol, drugs) 
Bad habits (e.g. emotional eating, little exercise) 

How does hypnosis work?

  • Based on hundreds of scientific studies proving the benefits of hypnosis, hypnotherapy is now recognised as a scientifically based therapeutic method. With the help of electroencephalography (EEG) and imaging techniques, hypnosis can be distinguished from other states of consciousness such as wakefulness, sleep, deep relaxation or meditation. 

    During hypnosis, we access the subconscious mind and we find the root cause of your problem. From there, we can heal it and reprogram resulting limiting beliefs and dysfunctional behavior patterns.

  • Our subconscious mind makes up about 90-95% of our mind. It is where our habits and our whole belief system resides - beliefs about the world and about ourselves. We are unaware of it, but it drives our thinking, our feelings and our decisions. Thus, working with the subconscious mind is extremely effective and essential for any bigger changes you want to make in your life. Traditional coaching or therapy only works with the conscious mind, by talking about your problems and challenges and making plans and strategies to overcome them. However, most people fail to implement changes because the underlying cause, limiting beliefs and traumas stored deep down in the subconscious mind, are still there. 

  • These are false depictions in movies, books or in show hypnosis. During hypnosis, nothing can happen without your consent - your conscious/critical mind is always there with you and you are aware of everything that is happening. You are conscious while working with the subconscious. You can open your eyes at any time and end the hypnosis if you wish. 

  • In hypnosis we bring our mind into a trance state, a state that feels pleasant and relaxed, but not very different from relaxation or meditation. In a trance state, the subconscious mind ‘opens its door’ and we can work with it. It is important that you relax and trust the process. I will send you a relaxation hypnosis in advance, which you will listen to a few times to familiarize yourself with this wonderful relaxation experience.

“My vision is to help you create a fulfilled, authentic and self-determined life - without anxiety, stress and self-doubt.”

Book your
appointment now

Booking process overview

I look forward to getting to know you! I mainly work online with my clients.


  • Online hypnosis works just as well as an in person sessions

  • You can make the appointment from anywhere or in your familiar surroundings, where you feel comfortable and relaxed

  • You save traveling time and travel costs

For Abu Dhabi and region: Here we can also work in person vor Ort arbeiten. The free first consultation (30 min.) always takes place online.

Package and Prices

Each session takes 60-90 minutes. During the free first consultation (30 min), we will discuss which package makes the most sense for you.


€ 160

This package is for you if you would like to try hypnosis first before deciding on a process 

  • 1 session

    Relaxation hypnosis (audio) for preparation


€ 450

Often 3 sessions are enough to solve an issue sustainably. In order to anchor the changes (depending on the problem: new routines, positive beliefs) in everyday life, you will receive an individualized self-hypnosis that you can listen to for as long as necessary

  • 3 sessions

    Relaxation hypnosis (audio) for preparation

    Individualized self-hypnosis (audio) that is customized to your individual topic


€ 750

If you have a very profound problem (e.g, a severe anxiety), I recommend booking 5 sessions. Here we can work very individually and add tools from coaching, meditation and bodywork.

  • 5 sessions

    Relaxation hypnosis (audio) for preparation

    Individualized self-hypnosis (audio) that is customized to your individual topic


€ 1.300

If you have various topics that you want to work on, I recommend booking 10 sessions. Here we can work through each topic very individually and add tools from coaching, meditation and bodywork.

  • 10 sessions

    Relaxation hypnosis (audio) for preparation

    2 individualized self-hypnosis (audios) tailored to your topic (or topics) 

How I work

  • I work with clinical hypnosis and use the technique of regression therapy. Unlike traditional hypnotherapy, which often only works with positive and empowering suggestions, regression therapy uses deep hypnosis to find the root cause of a problem and resolve it. However, I do not limit my work to hypnosis alone, but also use other tools and approaches from coaching, yoga, breathwork or meditation, depending on the topic and your personal preferences. This is why I refer to my approach as ‘holistic hypnosis coaching’.

  • I was born in Magdeburg and grew up in Munich, Bratislava, Düsseldorf and Berlin. Although I worked in the ‘business’ world for many years, I always knew that I wanted to work ‘with people’ full-time at some point. After moving to Abu Dhabi with my family in 2023, I am now finally devoting myself fully to this passion. I help people in a 1:1 setting to come into their power and create an authentic and fulfilled life. I use all the ‘tools’, mainly hypnosis, that have helped me on my own personal journey and have enabled me to move from a life ‘on the hamster wheel’, which felt stressful and exhausting, to a life full of gratitude, abundance and ease.

    What makes a happy life? This question has been with me for many years. My PhD topic was the first step in the search for an answer. No matter how different we are, we all have one thing in common: we want to be happy. At our core, we all strive for it. However, our strategies and decisions to achieve this are often dysfunctional and do not lead to the desired result. In our western society, we are led to believe that happiness lies on the ‘outside’, in visible successes. In happiness research and also in my personal experience, however, this is not true, because happiness is created on the ‘inside’, within us. This means that happiness and abundance begin in our ‘inner world’ - with our emotions, beliefs and thoughts. I have worked with many professionally successful people who ‘had it all’ on the outside but were unhappy on the inside, feeling empty and stressed. When we live a life that is not in alignment with our values, deep desires and abilities, we are unhappy, no matter how successful our life appears to be on the outside. At the same time, we can only come into our full creative power if we dissolve limiting beliefs, dysfunctional behavior patterns and repressed traumas. This is exactly what hypnosis makes possible, which is why I am so enthusiastic about it and look forward to working with you!

  • Certified Hypnosis Coach for Hypnoanalysis & Regression Therapy
    Institute for Clinical Hypnosis, Dr. Norbert Preetz, Magdeburg

    Yager Code Therapy
    Institute for Clinical Hypnosis, Dr. Norbert Preetz, Magdeburg

    Certified business coach
    Dr. Bock Coaching Academy, Berlin

    Dr. rer. pol. (German PhD) in the field of marketing/branding
    University of Witten/Herdecke

    Master of Science in International Management
    London School of Economics (LSE) & ESADE Business School

    Certified Holistic Yoga Flow Teacher
    Lauren Eckstrom & Travis Eliot, Los Angeles

    Certified Meditation Teacher
    Master Meditation Teacher Training with Davidji, Carlsbad, USA

    Reiki Level 1 & 2
    Illuminations Well-Being Centre, Abu Dhabi

  • 2024: Holistic Hypnosis Coaching, Online & Abu Dhabi

    2020: Founder & Managing Director ŌHIA Meditation, Berlin

    2017: COO & Managing Director Horizn Studios GmbH, Berlin

    2012: Consultant Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Munich & Berlin

Corporate / Event /

Corporate / Event /

You can also book me for a workshop as part of an event or company celebration/team event. We can tailor the content to your wishes together.

What is very suitable for a workshop is a group hypnosis, which I usually guide accompanied by a sound bath (= playing crystal singing bowls). An accompanying sound bath helps participants to relax and have a deep, transformative experience.

For more information and enquiries, please contact me here.


  • Hypnosis is a normal, natural state. Each of us is in a trance state (= hypnotic state) several times a day (e.g., when you suddenly realize that you have just been ‘somewhere else’, in daydreams, or driving on the highway and realize that you have driven past the exit you wanted to take. These are all trance states). Do not expect to ‘feel’ hypnotized or to become unconscious. It is possible that you may feel that you are in a different state of consciousness during hypnosis, but it is not necessary for success, nor is it a requirement. Most people simply feel relaxed. During hypnosis you will hear everything that is said and you can end the hypnosis at any time if you wish.

  • Everyone who wants to be hypnotized can be hypnotized. There are people for whom hypnosis works better or faster, while for others it takes a little practice. This has something to do with the fact that people have different abilities to ‘let go’ and relax.

  • Hypnosis is not a state of being ‘without will’ or a state in which you give up control to someone else. It only works if the person being hypnotized also wants to be hypnotized. During hypnosis you will hear everything that is said and you can end the hypnosis at any time if you wish.

    During hypnosis you are given something - access to the abilities of your subconscious mind. This enables you to work with your strengths and talents and access your self-healing powers.

    Während einer Hypnose wird dir etwas gegeben - der Zugang zu den Fähigkeiten deines Unterbewusstseins. Das ermöglicht dir einen bewussten Umgang mit deinen Begabungen und Talenten und einen Zugang zu deinen Selbstheilungskräften.

  • It has been scientifically proven for several decades that even in the deepest state of trance, only suggestions that are in line with a person's value system are followed. Suggestions that are alien to a person's personality are not carried out. Nobody can be made to act contrary to their inner values through hypnosis. You will not do anything under hypnosis that you would not do without hypnosis.

  • Traditional forms of therapy also try to find the cause of problems. However, as this has to be done in a roundabout way without direct access to the subconscious, it often takes a very long time and usually only produces more or less probable hypotheses. Using (deep) hypnosis, diagnosis is possible in 1-2 sessions. Hypnotherapy is therefore much more effective and can bring about major changes in just a few sessions.

  • No. Hypnosis is not dangerous and nobody has ever been harmed by hypnosis. This is because hypnosis is a normal, natural state. Each of us is in a trance state (= hypnotic state) several times a day. Hypnosis has been practiced for thousands of years and is part of the ancient healing rites of many different peoples and cultures. It has a long tradition as a medical and psychotherapeutic healing method and has been documented for centuries. There is not a single recorded case of someone not coming out of hypnosis. The difficulty is not in ending hypnosis, but in maintaining the state of hypnosis.